Friday, 7 September 2007

This is a photo that Mummy took of me while I was sleeping in her bed. The movie was SO boring that I fell asleep!!!!!


Thea Schultheiss said...

Hi Timmy... Bobbin here!

That's so great that you get to curl up in bed, my mummy won't let me because I poo and wee on the duvet, I only do it beacause it smells of stinky humans!!

I'm not very well either ):B
Hope you feel better sharpish! xx

Timmy said...

Hi Bobbin!

I am a very good boy, and don't poo or wee in Mummy's bed.....even though I TOTALLY agree about that disagreeable hoo-man smell (I don't see HOW they can bear to LIVE with themselves!)But for some reason I think it would really upset Mummy if I left my mark there.....and she might not let me curl up to watch telly any more!

I hope you feel better very soon.....I guess us poorly bunnies have to stick together! I might possibly drag my sympathy routine out a bit longer, as I am really kind of liking the yoghurt and Oat and Fruit baby cereal!

Talk to you again soon, Bobbin!

Lots Of Love & Bunny hugs,

Your Friend, Timmy XXXXX