Saturday, 8 September 2007

Well, let's see.......what have I been up to today? I have been unwell for several days now, I haven't been eating and have been to the vet every day. I had to have 6 nasty jabs in the back of my neck so far! But today I got to have my medicine in a syringe to swallow instead of a jab, which was GREAT.....even though it didn't taste very nice! Mummy has been SO happy today because I felt like eating a little bit on my own! Mummy has been feeding me this week. I think I am getting better! I have been VERY playful and mischievous today, and have been making Mummy laugh! She sat in the middle of the lounge floor, and I started running around and around and around her in circles.....and every time I came to her legs, I jumped over them like a pony! After a while I got tired and hopped into Mummy's lap for cuddles and nose rubs. After about a half an hour of playing, Mummy went and laid on the sofa. I wasn't having THAT without ME, so I ran over and jumped up onto the sofa and snuggled up on her shoulder. She had her eyes closed, but I think she was faking being asleep, so I licked her ear and tickled her face with my whiskers until she opened her eyes and rubbed my nose and told me I was her special boy. Then we both fell asleep, and we have just woken up.....and it is VERY late! So we are both off to bed now.......Good Night!!!!! Loads Of Love, Timmy XXXXXXX

1 comment:

Sir Bobbin said...

Hi Timmy!

I'm so pleased you are starting to feel better. I was very worried about you. Hope you fully recover soon and then you can start being mischievous again like me!

Send lots of love to your two-foot mummy for me!

Loads of love and bunny kisses,

Bobbin xxx